Tuesday, September 24, 2019

YouTube upload instructions

Log into Google with the following credentials...

username: vanguardmtnebo@gmail.com
password: vanguard2014

Go to YouTube and click this button to upload your video. 

Depending on your internet connection and length of video, it may take a while.  Please don't stress your mom out by waiting until Vanguard morning, 5 minutes before you have to leave to upload.  Trust me.  ;)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mission Statement


We will engage in a respectful and inspiring peer environment that will not only help us grow in our faith, but will help us feel free to develop our unique strengths
as well as a passion for learning that will allow us to better ourselves, our families, our communities, and, ultimately, the world.

We, the Vanguard Youth, accept the challenge to move forward in our pursuit of right and truth.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The 5 Types of Questions to ask while reading a book

While reading any book, ask yourself the following questions and ponder the answers.  Bring your answers to our class discussions.


What happened?

We need to be able to explain the basic facts and information to someone else.


Why did it happen?

We need to know why things matter and why the author is writing about them.


What principles were/were not lived?  What was the result?

We need to see what principles were being lived or broken and if they have application to all people, all of the time.


How can I apply these principles to my life?

We need to think about what any of it had to do with us personally.


Where else do I find evidence of these principle?

We rally information from multiple sources and compare and contrast them
to find the truth.